
Tuesday, January 26, 2010

What does it mean to “accept Jesus”?

What does it mean to “accept Jesus”?: "


“You turned to God from idols to serve the living and true God.” 1 Thessalonians 1:9

You and I are not integrated, unified, whole persons. Our hearts are multi-divided. There is a board room in every heart. Big table. Leather chairs. Coffee. Bottled water. Whiteboard. A committee sits around the table. There is the social self, the private self, the work self, the sexual self, the recreational self, the religious self, and others. The committee is arguing and debating and voting. Constantly agitated and upset. Rarely can they come to a unanimous, wholehearted decision. We tell ourselves we’re this way because we’re so busy with so many responsibilities. The truth is, we’re just divided, unfocused, hesitant, unfree.

That kind of person can “accept Jesus” in either of two ways. One way is to invite him onto the committee. Give him a vote too. But then he becomes just one more complication. The other way to “accept Jesus” is to say to him, “My life isn’t working. Please come in and fire my committee, every last one of them. I hand myself over to you. Please run my whole life for me.” That is not complication; that is salvation.

“Accepting Jesus” is not just adding Jesus. It is also subtracting the idols.

What does it mean to “accept Jesus”? is a post from: Ray Ortlund


Monday, January 25, 2010

wheels of life

wheels of life: "

Author: MacFadyin

Posted on: 2010-01-23 09:41:46


Coffee makes you dance around like a goat!

Coffee makes you dance around like a goat!: "coffee

Hence why I’m cutting down my intake these days Smile I am actually cutting down a lot on my afternoon & evening caffeine and woe does it make a difference to the quality of sleep I get. I know that’s obvious but I’m just a bit slow on this stuff



Monday, January 11, 2010

Magical Transformatron Boxes from Space!

Magical Transformatron Boxes from Space!: "

This project right here is called “Boxetti.” It’s a series of box-like forms that transform into everything you could ever want in a single piece of furniture. There are five different boxes you can choose from, or if you’re totally into this, choose them all: bedroom, sofa, office, television, and kitchen. I would NOT mind having any one of these in my giant beachside penthouse.

Boxetti_Private is the bedroom model: it folds down into a double bed, a nightstand, and a wardrobe. The bed is lifted automatically by remote control, and has ambience lighting as well as a spotlight. The wardrobe is made up of six sections for all your bedroom thangs needs.

Boxetti_Lounge is the sofa: it can act as a couch with the two coffee tables pulled out, or it can be a giant table. With both options, several surfaces can be folded out from the sides for more workspace.

Boxetti_Practice is the office: Manual foldaway desk top with drawers, bookshelves, chill-niche for a nice sit, and optional finishing with leather or other fabrics.

Boxetti_Thrill is the tv: it’s a full entertainment center of course, with gigantic fold-out hi-fi speakers. An automatic HAFELE lift system brings the TV up, the TV is flat and 46″, High Standart 7.1ch Reciever and basic BluRay player. Also enclosed storage space for 8tracks and VHS — OR DVDs of course.*

*The Thrill does not have 8track or VHS capability.

Boxetti_Lunch is the kitchen: island unit from heaven has a sink, tap, infinite drawers, oak tree cutting board, built-in LED spotlight, two bar seats, space for built-in fridge, and a nice shiny exterior.

And you know what the best part is?

The demo picture has The Fifth Element playing on the TV.


Designer: Rolands Landsbergs

Boxetti by Rolands Landsbergs







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